Giving to Panhandlers is Not Good Stewardship, It's Dangerous

I'm generous. I give to known organizations and many random causes. But I will not give to panhandlers for several reasons. We stopped in Grand Rapids, Michigan yesterday for a bite to eat.
A guy approached the car shouting, waving his arms and begging for money. He was wandering in the street disrupting traffic, accosting passers-by. We didn't give anything. But he kept following. I know we feel sorry for panhandlers. But giving them money is enabling and not good stewardship. It's also dangerous. Think hand up, not handout.   Panhandling Is Getting Out of Hand

Give the Gift of Hygiene, Personal Care Products

Got stinky kids? Well, puberty is the time for it. Hormones in overdrive make the sweat glands work extra hard, too. And many schools don't have time for facilities for kids to shower after gym class. So they can get pretty ripe by the end of the day. Give the gift of hygiene. Here are a few personal care products we found that help with body odor. Tips and Products to Help Kids Maintain Hygiene 

Watch the Pennies, the Dollars Will Take Care of Themselves

My mother-in-law is a spouter of adages. I hate schmaltzy sayings. I wouldn't have gotten along with Ben Franklin. One MIL repeats ad nauseum is "take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves." Then she proceeds to spend all the pennies and dollars and claim insolvency. But neither my annoyance nor her hypocrisy, negate the saying. And it's a good maxim for earning,saving, frugal spending and giving. Read on.     Online Writing Tips Mind the Pennies, the Dollars Take Care of Themselves

Lenten Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving Activities for Children

The Catholic Lenten season of Lent is fast approaching. In lent, we practice gospel virtues: prayer, fasting, almsgiving. We seek to draw near God, by imitating Christ's suffering. Those acts in turn help us grow stronger. Here are lenten sacrifice activities for children.  Lenten Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving Activities for Children

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